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[Carezoe Medical] Sinopharm 2016 10K Mini marathon run
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First stop, Beijing lianshihu park
By Sinopharm&China Loft Co.,Ltd


Let`s ROHAS!

10K healthy run Series of events of Sinopharm
The initiative "healthy and sustainable running"
Run Of Health And Sustainability

The slogan is not empty
What has Rohas prepared for you in a healthy run

The Rio Olympics have put a fire on 23 gold male Phelps' cupping "tattoo".

"Cupping increases my flexibility and allows my sore muscles to relax. I do like cupping." "-- Michael Phelps

In fact, it's not news that athletes use cupping to help train and recover. Many opinions are widely believed that cupping therapy can help the body recover its pain, relax muscles, promote blood circulation and reduce inflammation in the body.

What's more, it's a natural treatment, and it's very efficient and convenient. Completely applicable to most exercisers. During your long run, help you stay away from the pain and improve your running!

We have prepared a gift for the contestants:Carezoe vacuum cupping device: 1 set
After running, the cupping is healthier

All prizes and on-site raffle gifts are closely related to the health needs of the runners.Carezoe electronic blood pressure meter, to help the athletes achieve good results!

Hint: on the morning of the match, the weather will be colder. Please wear warm clothes and go to the court. The site provides a change of clothing tent and storage service for you to change the T-shirt and light the competition